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"NOW OPEN " Our new branch located at 1921 W. Howard St., Chicago. Il. 60626. The program is from 6:30 am to 6 pm. We accept children from 6 weeks to 6 years. At this time we are registering infants.

Call us now! (773) 381-1603
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kids playing a creative tree a girl washing dishes kids classroom girl playing preschool class kids playing puzzle game kids eating their foods a beautiful girl kids are sleeping kids toy kids playing some brick games wall full of creative designs children eating kids learning center children with their parents babies are sleeping kids with their grandmother kids writing in the paper kids eating their snacks kids looking at some pictures children with their parents at the park kids wearing same color of shirt two boys playing puzzle game two kids looking at some pictures kids writing in paper kids are drawing in the paper
kids with their teacher

Contact Information

images1524 W Howard Street
Chicago, IL 60626

imagesPhone: (773) 381-1603
Fax:     (773) 381-1604

New Location:

images1921 W. Howard St.,
Chicago, IL 60626

imagesPhone: 312-608-0476


Infant Program

Infants are Children between the ages of 6 weeks to 14 months.

Gifted Children Academy provides the highest quality full daycare service for infants under the guidance of exceptionally qualified providers. Infants learn through quickly the necessary developmental skills through sight and sound methodology.

Age appropriate toys are provided under a safe environment for the infants. Nutritional meals are also provided for the infants at the appropriate time on an individual basis; these meals mainly consist of baby formula, breast milk, and purified water. Infant feeding times are recorded and parents are given the opportunity to review the feeding at any probable cause of the pick – up’s of their child.

Infant diapers are changed frequently as necessary to prevent the development of diaper rashes and any other skins diseases / or infections. Our staff placed a high priority to health issue when changing diapers and hand washing procedures.